American University Community Garden
Current Projects:
We always have a few projects going on.
You can find more up-to-date information at our blog or on our Facebook page.

Fall Growing Season
Harvest summer crops and sow fall harvest seeds.
Our Fall Crops Include:
-Beets, Cabbage, Carrots, Collards Greens, Lettuces, Parsnips, Peas and Turnips.

Did you know, gardening is a natural stress relief and can help improve mental clarity? So, the next time you have a big exam or presentation, take a break and run your hands through the dirt, pull some weeds, and help yourself to some of the harvest - you may just find yourself more relaxed and prepared.
Watering, weeding, and tending to our harvest needs to be done regularly.

Building Vertical Herb Planters
We're repurposing some wooden pallets to make a cool new vertical stand for small herbs. The hope is to free up the bigger boxes for more veggies.

Raising Cold Frame
Our cold frame will help us continue to produce and harvest fall and winter vegetables deeper into winter. As temperatures begin to fall, the plastic covering will keep soil temperatures high enough to keep our crops alive and growing.

Construct Solitary Bee Homes
There are about 3500 species of bees that live in the US with the majority falling into a category known as "native bees", "wild bees" or "solitary bees". Solitary bees live on their own, not in colonies or cooperative hives. They collect their own pollen and nectar, and build their own homes, and lay their own eggs. They are not known to be aggressive bees and pose little risk of stinging.

Soil Revitalization
As always, we are thinking about the fundamentals of gardening: the soil. After enjoying several years of wonderful harvests, we are working to revitalize the soil that's been a bit uncared for. Therefore, with all of the crops we plant, we keep the soil in mind by integrating compost and mulch into the current boxes.

Clearing Out Paths
In between all the boxes, nasty weeds pop up and take over the whole path. It's our job to clear all that out and cover it with wood chips.